5 immunity-boosting nuts

Depending on which part of Australia you live in, winter can be cold, grey and ugly! A new season brings with it new conditions and new opportunities for the spread of nasty flues and lingering colds. Taking precautions to avoid the effects of the flu season are always a good idea, but did you know that what you eat can also affect how well your immune system operates?
Nuts are a delicious way to get some extra nutrients into your diet to boost your immune system especially during the winter months. Here are five of our favourites:
Almonds are fab in cooler months! They help the body absorb ‘fat-soluble’ nutrients - such as Vitamin A – to help support healthy skin, strong bones, and support the immune system. Almonds can also help maintain a healthy balance in your body’s pH, aiding digestion, and supporting a stronger immune system during the flu season.
We all know how much winter can be a dampener on your mood, but there’s one nut that will help you fight those winter blues. Packed full of iron, magnesium, Vitamin B6, protein, important amino acids, and omega 3 fats, cashews are a great mood enhancer, and can even help alleviate mild depression. Grey days may bring you down but cashews will bring back your smile.
Sick of getting sick? Eat some peanuts! Peanuts are a source of resveratrol which can act as a barrier against the common flu, as well as other viral infections – take that office bug!
Increase your defense with brazil nuts. These little nutrition-bombs are full of the goodness of selenium as well as other minerals that can support your immune system as well as fight off viral and bacterial infections.
Last but not least, macadamias are rich in antioxidants, and full of nutrients such as protein, calcium, potassium and dietary fibre which will give your hair and nails a healthy glow even when the sun isn’t shining.